Elden Ring players can go looking for Sites of Grace inside the various regions that make up the open world. Sites of Grace can be used as checkpoints to respawn, refill your HP, and more.
In this guide, we will discuss everything you need to know on how to find all Sites of Grace locations in the Weeping Peninsula.
Elden Ring Weeping Peninsula Sites of Grace Locations
Location #1: Near the entrance of Impaler’s Catacombs.
Location #2: At the edge of the Bridge of Sacrifice in Weeping Peninsula.
Location #3: Near the entrance of the Earthbore Cave, on the inside.
Location #4: Inside the Church of Pilgrimage.
Location #5: Go to the Forest Lookout Tower and head directly South.
Location #6: Check near the Crater-Pocked Glade, inside the wilderness.
Location #7: Inside the Tombsward Catacombs.
Location #8: At a Campsite near the Castle Morne Rampart
Location #9: Inside the Fourth Church of Marika.
Location #10: Outside the Isolated Merchant’s Shack in Weeping Peninsula.
Location #11: Go to the main castle and take the ladder at the back of the courtyard to reach the top level. Follow the path and drop down from the broken wall.
Location #12: Entrance of Castle Morne near the list.
Location #13: Lower level, at the back of the castle.
Location #14: In Morne Moangrave after killing the Leonine Misbegotten.
That’s everything you need to know on how to find all Sites of Grace in Weeping Peninsula. Need more help? See Limgrave Sites of Grace Locations, Runes Farming, Tree Sentinel Boss Fight.