In a very interesting move, Dragon’s Dogma devs released the character creator for Dragon’s Dogma 2 early. It is now available to down through Steam and it is one of the most detailed character creators available anywhere. However, there is one aspects called the “Moniker” that is confusing some folks.
So let me clear things up, Moniker in Dragon’s Dogma 2 character creation tool is a tab that allows you to set a nickname for your character. It’s as simple as that!
Now you may ask why have a Moniker? Will your selected name not appear if you choose a Moniker in Dragon’s Dogma? Well, here’s the thing. Moniker is a parentel controls thing in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
What Does A Moniker Do In Dragon’s Dogma 2
The idea of Monikers is like having a backup nickname for your buddy, just in case their actual name is a bit… let’s say, colorful for the public eye. It’s pretty clever when you think about it. Imagine you’re all geared up, ready to dive into some quests, and there’s your Pawn, whom you’ve lovingly named something that might make your grandma blush.
Thanks to the Monikers, you get to keep the vibe family friendly for everyone, swapping out that cheeky name for something a bit more living room-friendly.
This whole Moniker business is Capcom’s way of tiptoeing around those awkward moments without putting a leash on creativity.
Since you can import Pawns created by other players, the Moniker is a way to protect you and your children from obscene names. If the game’s filter catches a spicy name, a Moniker will be displayed instead.
On one hand, you have the freedom to express your creativity and perhaps, your humor. On the other, there’s the need to create a safe and inclusive space for all players, especially when young eyes might be partaking in the same quest.
Note: There is a set list of Moniker to choose from. You can not customize the Moniker.
All Available Monikers In Dragon’s Dogma 2
Here is a list of all available Monikers in Dragon’s Dogma 2:
Monikers |
Abby |
Abel |
Ace |
Ada |
Adonis |
Aeglos |
Afaenia |
Agar |
Agon |
Airou |
Akira |
Albert |
Alder |
Aleksis |
Alex |
Alexandra |
Alfonse |
Aliaeno |
Alice |
Alita |
Allen |
Altair |
Amireitus |
Amy |
Anakaris |
Andre |
Andrew |
Andy |
Angel |
Angmare |
Anita |
Anne |
Anton |
Anya |
Applegate |
Aquiles |
Arcano |
Arcapello |
Arelious |
Ari |
Arjenos |
Arlux |
Art |
Artexian |
Arturo |
Aster |
Asura |
Athrielle |
Atila |
Auger |
Aurelien |
Auronia |
Axel |
Aya |
Azura |
Babs |
Balrog |
Banchoh |
Barak |
Barbara |
Barry |
Basil |
Batsu |
Bear |
Becky |
Ben |
Benimaru |
Bennett |
Benten |
Betty |
Bianca |
Billy |
Bingo |
Biscotte |
Bitey Face |
Blanche |
Blue |
Blues |
Bo |
Bob |
Bobo |
Bog |
Bonten |
Booker |
Boone |
Boots |
Boris |
Bosch |
Bowie |
Box |
Branbildon |
Brant |
Bret |
Brian |
Bridget |
Brigid |
Brittney |
Brock |
Bronko |
Bruno |
Buddy |
Bull |
Bushi |
Buster |
Calisifer |
Cam |
Camelot |
Cammy |
Cap |
Carmina |
Caroline |
Casablanca |
Cass |
Catharina |
Catherine |
Chabu |
Chad |
Chance |
Charlie |
Chase |
Cherry |
Choco |
Chris |
Chuck |
Chun-Li |
Ciel |
Cindy |
Cirrus |
Claire |
Claudia |
Claw |
Cliffy |
Clive |
Clothilde |
Club |
Cobra |
Coco |
Cody |
Colin |
Conan |
Cordelia |
Cotton |
Crocodilia |
Crom |
Crumb |
Crupps |
Cyrain |
Dale |
Damian |
Dan |
Dante |
Darian |
Darshe |
Dart |
Dave |
David |
Dawn |
Deacon |
Demitri |
Deneb |
Denis |
Derrick |
Dhalsim |
Diamonds |
Diego |
Djimar |
Dog |
Don |
Donna |
Donovan |
Dophie |
Dora |
Dorothy |
Doug |
Dr. Wily |
Dragon |
Drak |
Drek |
Dudley |
Duke |
Eagle |
Eben |
Eclair |
Eda |
Edgar |
Edmond |
Edward |
Eileen |
Eliza |
Elizabeth |
Ellie |
Ellion |
Elna |
Emilia |
Emma |
Emperor |
Enrik |
Eo |
Ercan |
Erin |
Ernest |
Erteno |
Erthon |
Esparon |
Esther |
Ethan |
Facada |
Fairy |
Faith |
Falcon |
Fang |
Fanny |
Fantasista |
Federico |
Felice |
Felicia |
Felyne |
Ferdia |
Ferguson |
Fiela Ke |
Fingers |
Flint |
Flora |
Florence |
Flush |
Folken |
Fox |
Fran |
Francis |
Frank |
Franz |
Fred |
Freddy |
Freja |
Friedrich |
Friodain |
Frost |
Fubuki |
Fujiyama |
Gael |
Galahad |
Gareth |
Garlyn |
Gary |
Gawain |
Gekkou |
Gene |
Geodes |
Geoffrey |
George |
Gerald |
Gian |
Gil |
Gin |
Gina |
Ginger |
Ginny |
Giuliana |
Glitch |
Gloria |
Glynn |
Godwin |
Gold |
Golias |
Gou |
Gouki |
Graham |
Green |
Greg |
Guile |
Guillaume |
Guren |
Guri |
Gustave |
Guy |
Gwen |
Hachi |
Haggar |
Halkor |
Hallom |
Hamilton |
Hana |
Hanako |
Harrison |
Harry |
Hawk |
Hayabusa |
Hayato |
Heart |
Henry |
Herb |
Herk |
Herlwn |
Hibiki |
Hideo |
Hien |
Hilda |
Hinata |
Hisashi |
Howard |
Hugo |
Hurhrem |
Hyde |
Iain |
Ian |
Ibrahim |
Icaro |
Ida |
Idol |
Ike |
Illadel |
Imelda |
Inazuma |
Indrid |
Irek |
Iris |
Isaac |
Isabel |
Ishmael |
Ivy |
Iz |
Izzy |
Jack |
Jackal |
Jackie |
Jackson |
Jacob |
Jaden |
Jairo |
Jale |
Jalek |
James |
Jane |
Janelle |
Janet |
Jasmine |
Jasper |
Javier |
Jazz |
Jean |
Jeff |
Jerenzo |
Jerry |
Jill |
Jim |
Jin |
Jiro |
Joe |
Joel |
Joker |
Jon |
Jonny |
Jonoho |
Jormungandr |
Joy |
Judy |
Julie |
Julio |
Jun |
June |
Junior |
Kabuki |
Kaede |
Kai |
Kairon |
Kaiser |
Kale |
Kamui |
Kaoru |
Karen |
Karin |
Karl |
Katana |
Kate |
Kath |
Kay |
Kayla |
Kaza |
Kazu |
Keaton |
Keiro |
Keko |
Kelly |
Ken |
Kenan |
Kent |
Kerry |
Kev |
Kevin |
Kiakuma |
Kikka |
Killian |
Kim |
Kimberly |
King |
Kippy |
Kirie |
Kirk |
Kisyo |
Kitty |
Kiyori |
Klaus |
Komainu |
Konoha |
Krauser |
Kurumi |
Kyouko |
Kyousuke |
Lady |
Laguigne |
Lancellot |
Larry |
Laure |
Lawrence |
Lee |
Leek |
Leila |
Leo |
Leon |
Leonidas |
Leoris |
Lester |
Leva |
Lewis |
Li |
Liana |
Libi |
Lillian |
Linda |
Lindsey |
Links |
Linus |
Lion |
Lionel |
Lioniel |
Lisa |
Lissandra |
Liz |
Lizora |
Lloyd |
Lola |
Lorna |
Lou |
Loucif |
Lua |
Luchino |
Lucia |
Lucky |
Lucrezia |
Lucy |
Ludo |
Luke |
Lulu |
Luther |
Lyden |
Lynette |
M. Bison |
Maax |
Mac |
Madison |
Magnus |
Makoto |
Mally |
Malvina |
Maori |
Marcus |
Margaret |
Marie |
Marilyn |
Mark |
Marron |
Martus |
Masa |
Mati |
Max |
Maximum |
May |
Maya |
Mega Man |
Melany |
Melina |
Melinda |
Michael |
Midori |
Mike |
Miles |
Milk |
Milo |
Mimi |
Mindy |
Mint |
Minus |
Mira |
Missile |
Misty |
Mitchy |
Miu |
Moare |
Moe |
Moises |
Moka |
Momo |
Monica |
Montague |
Monty |
Morco |
Morgan |
Morrigan |
Mouflette |
Munty |
Muramasa |
Muru |
Musashi |
Nadalee |
Nana |
Nano |
Nash |
Nate |
Nathan |
Natsu |
Nawi |
Nazja |
Ned |
Nell |
Nemo |
Nene |
Nero |
Nestor |
Nick |
Nicola |
Nigel |
Nika |
Nina |
Ninja |
Noah |
Noel |
Nolan |
Noma |
Nonen |
Nora |
Nouchka |
Nouey |
Nyank |
Oaencha |
Odette |
Olive |
Olivia |
Omar |
Oni |
Opal |
Ophelia |
Orange |
Orenthal |
Oriana |
Orichin |
Orion |
Osborn |
Oscar |
Othello |
Otto |
Ouka |
Ovius |
Oy |
Oyakatasama |
Ozias |
Ozma |
Pamela |
Panpan |
Pat |
Paul |
Paulo |
Pearl |
Penny |
Pepe |
Percy |
Peter |
Peyote |
Phillip |
Photon |
Pickle |
Pie |
Pierre |
Pietro |
Pike |
Pilou |
Pixi |
Plus |
Poh |
Poison |
Poppy |
Prince |
Princess |
Priscilla |
Pupuce |
Q |
Qasim |
Quadir |
Quarzo |
Quash |
Que |
Queen |
Queenie |
Queequeg |
Quentin |
Quick |
Quincy |
Quistis |
Rachel |
Rafe |
Ragnos |
Raiden |
Raldan |
Ralph |
Rambo |
Ran |
Randall |
Randie |
Randolph |
Randor |
Raphael |
Ratoc |
Ray |
Rebecca |
Red |
Rei |
Reppu |
Rex |
Rhaegar |
Riccardo |
Rich |
Rick |
Riddles |
Rika |
Riku |
Rilax |
Ringo |
Rio |
Rita |
Roan |
Robert |
Robin |
Rochelle |
Rock |
Rockman |
Rodney |
Roll |
Romain |
Romy |
Ron |
Ronald |
Rose |
Roy |
Ruby |
Rudolph |
Rufus |
Ruru |
Ryo |
Ryoma |
Ryu |
Ryuken |
Saber |
Sabina |
Saga |
Sagat |
Sage |
Sagittarius |
Saiklin |
Saitam |
Saiun |
Sakura |
Salem |
Salim |
Sam |
Samanosuke |
Samir |
Sammy |
Samurai |
Sara |
Sasha |
Saya |
Scorpion |
Scout |
Scruffy |
Scuttle |
Sean |
Sebastian |
Sehrseri |
Selma |
Sera |
Setantus |
Seth |
Sevlevore |
Shadow |
Shantaneera |
Shark |
Shelly |
Shiden |
Shinobi |
Shinra |
Shippu |
Shirael |
Shiranui |
Sho |
Shu |
Sid |
Sidoll |
Siegfried |
Sigurd |
Silver |
Simon |
Skullhead |
Slate |
Smudge |
Sofia |
Sola |
Sonia |
Sophia |
Sora |
Souki |
Souma |
Spade |
Sparda |
Sparky |
Speedster |
Sprinkles |
Stan |
Stanley |
Starks |
Stein |
Stella |
Stephen |
Steve |
Straight |
Suyay |
Sven |
Sylvain |
Sylvia |
Syren |
Tabet |
Tabitha |
Takuro |
Talia |
Tama |
Tammy |
Tane |
Tannin |
Taro |
Tasio |
Ted |
Tenzan |
Terry |
Teru |
Tetral |
Tetsu |
Tezcacotal |
Thad |
Thane |
Thelma |
Theo |
Thomas |
Tia |
Tiger |
Tim |
Timber |
Timpachi |
Tiny |
Tisha |
Tobias |
Toby |
Tokiya |
Tom |
Tommaso |
Toots |
Tora |
Tori |
Toryu |
Toshin |
Toutoune |
Tricyrtis |
Trish |
Tristan |
Troko |
Tron |
Tsubasa |
Tsurugi |
Tubby |
Tyrant |
Ucxilo |
Ugo |
Uki |
Ula |
Ullrich |
Ultra |
Ulysses |
Ume |
Una |
Upper |
Urien |
Ursula |
Valkyrie |
Vega |
Vento |
Vera |
Vergil |
Vice |
Victor |
Victoria |
Viewtiful Joe |
Vincent |
Violet |
Vista |
Vivian |
Wakky |
Wallace |
Walt |
Walter |
Wanda |
Wendy |
Wenver |
Wesker |
West |
Whelington |
Wildrose |
Will |
Williams |
Windfly |
Winnie |
Winter |
Wooze |
Wynona |
Xan |
Xander |
Xanthippy |
Xantippe |
Xatcha |
Xavi |
Xavier |
Xena |
Xerxes |
Xia |
XiaoKuei |
Ximena |
Xun |
Xura |
Yale |
Yamato |
Yan |
Yao |
Yellow |
Yoko |
Yolanda |
York |
Yoshi |
You |
Young |
Yugo |
Yuki |
Yun |
Yuri |
Yuzu |
Yves |
Yvette |
Yvonne |
Zac |
Zak |
Zalmon |
Zan |
Zander |
Zandra |
Zangief |
Zara |
Zellderosa |
Zenobia |
Zillah |
Zinnia |
ZiZi |
Zoe |
Zombie |
Zonic |
Zuma |
You can choose from a list of 880 Monikers.